Netflix’s acclaimed series “The Crown” chronicling the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, draws to a close from Thursday, focusing on a subject still highly sensitive to...
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has distributed the National Film Award-2022 among 32 recipients in 27 categories in recognition of their contributions to the film industry. This...
The Egyptian Theatre, which hosted Hollywood’s first-ever red carpet premiere in its faux hieroglyph-adorned courtyard more than a century ago, reopens this week under the new...
Nintendo is developing a film based on its hugely popular “The Legend of Zelda” franchise, the Japanese gaming giant announced, as it bids to capitalize on...
Universal’s Halloween season release “Five Nights at Freddy’s” remained in first place at the North American box office, beating out the awards-tilted biopic on Elvis Presley’s...
Sheryl Crow delivered a foot-stomping medley of her greatest hits as she was inducted Friday into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, as part of...
The Walt Disney Company on Wednesday announced it will buy Comcast’s $8.6 billion stake in Hulu, completing its takeover of the streaming service. The acquisition will...
The cast of “Friends” said in a joint statement Monday that they have been left “utterly devastated” by the sudden death of their co-star Matthew Perry....
Matthew Perry was always their friend, too. That was the feeling among fans of the American actor, known for his iconic role as Chandler Bing on...
American actor Richard Roundtree, heralded as “the first Black action hero” for his starring role in the iconic 1971 hit “Shaft,” died Tuesday at 81, US...