“Barbie” and “Oppenheimer,” the unlikely pair of films that dominated the box office and spawned countless viral memes last summer, head to Sunday’s Golden Globes as...
“Barbie” and “Oppenheimer,” the unlikely pair of films that dominated the box office and spawned countless viral memes last summer, head to Sunday’s Golden Globes as...
German-born Hollywood actor Christian Oliver was killed along with his two young daughters as their small plane plummeted into the Caribbean Sea moments after takeoff, local...
A US teenager has beaten classic computer game Tetris, forcing it into a game-ending glitch in a feat previously achieved only by artificial intelligence. Willis Gibson,...
Oh boy! Barely 24 hours after Disney’s initial copyright on Mickey Mouse expired, two new indie horror films starring the beloved character have been announced. “Steamboat...
Colombian superstar Shakira’s Caribbean home city of Barranquilla unveiled a 6.5-meter (21.3-foot) hip-swaying statue in her honor on Tuesday. The towering bronze and aluminum creation depicts...
South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, best known for his role in the Oscar-winning film “Parasite”, was found dead Wednesday in an apparent suicide, Yonhap news agency...
A founding member of US country group the Dixie Chicks has been killed in a car crash in Texas, with her former bandmates on Saturday mourning...
Albania’s Drita Ziri has won the Miss Earth 2023 international beauty contest as reported on the official page of its X (formerly Twitter) social media page....
Australian rockers AC/DC are mourning the band’s original drummer Colin Burgess, who has died aged 77, the group said on social media. “Very sad to hear...