A new, young generation of Moroccan filmmakers last month stepped into the limelight to make its debut at France’s Cannes Film Festival — snatching three prestigious...
The public fountains in Volvic, the home of one of the world’s most famous mineral waters, have been turned off. Just down the road from the...
The French comedy “Chicken for Linda!” won the top prize at the Annecy animated film festival in France, the organisers announced late Saturday. The feature-length film,...
Mahiya Mahi has recently started shooting for her newest film Ananda Ashru, opposite to Symon Sadik. The shooting is already half complete, and the film is expected...
You two have been together for seven years. How has this long journey been so far? Hillol: Nowshin and I have been together for quite a...
Apu and Shakib’s tale of being reunited and eventually separating has been a topic of much discussion among fans for the majority of 2017. The last...
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Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam.