The price of green chillies, which were sold at Tk 500 to Tk 700 in Khulna markets during last two days, have decreased to Tk 200 to Tk 280 per kg as imported green chillies started arriving in the country through Benapole and Bhomra land ports from last Sunday.
In the span of two days, the price of green chillies at Moylapata Sondha Bazar, a kitchen market in the city, has sold from Tk 200 to Tk 280.
Shafique Mia, a green chilli trader at Moylapota bazaar said, due to shortage of supply, one Kg green chilli was sold in the wholesale market at Tk 500 and the retail price was Tk 700 to Tk 800.
“The prices of these green chillies will be at Tk 150-170 per kg within a short time as imported Indian green chillies are available in all the wholesale markets”, he added.
While visiting Boro Bazar kitchen market in the city, this reporter found that the imported green chillies were being sold at the highest wholesale rate of Tk 250 whereas the local green chillies were being sold at the highest wholesale rate of Tk 200 yesterday.
Didarul Alam, a buyer who has come to market in Gallamari market said, a few days ago, I bought 100 grams of green chillies by Tk 70. I have bought 250 grams by Tk 30 yesterday.
ASM Maqsud Khan, General Secretary of Bhomra Land Port C&F Agents Association, said that there was a five-day holiday at Bhomra Land Port from last Tuesday to Saturday due to Eid-ul-Azha.
Following the government initiatives, the price of green chillies has started to come down in different markets in Khulna division. (BSS)